Blouse:Vintage SheInside blouse
Pants: Mango
At the moment I’m so obsessed with blouses because they are so useful. I
can combine them with everything and the best thing is that you can war
them with various sweathers and various cardinags. This blouse is my
new favorite (bought here )
I’m a big fan of this car as well. I wish it would be mine. My whole
childhood my parent drove that car and it’s the best car ever!

Till next time! <3
Predivne fotke. Kosulja je preslatka, a buba mi se mnogo svidja. 🙂
Lovely post ! I like your blouse ! I have to buy or sew some 😉
Cute blouse 🙂
great vintage blouse 🙂
Od glave do pete <3
JOJ, autić je krasaaaaaaan! <3 i ta tvoja bluzica nova, baš je divna. moram ti priznati da i ja patim za takvim bluzicama, pogotovo točkastim, i stvarno se mogu nositi na sve. pusee :*
Love it!
Thanks for the comment! Cute outfit & lovely pics! The blouse is adooorable.
S., The Hearabouts
such a cute outfit! i love love that car 🙂
Love the retro kinda look of this photos…
The polka dots shirt is really cool.
the blouse is amazing! love the colours and the cut!
kissboombang, mika.
head + heels
wow! you look lovely! =D
love your top.
just perfect outfit 😉
please visit my blog
So stylish, lovely outfit!
super 😀
Graet Style. I follow your Blog now.
Please follow me.
Like your pants 🙂 Maybe you wanna follow each other? I will always folow you back!
I like everyting about this look and photos. That last picture is just so cute 🙂
Great photos. I like your look. Especialy the polka dots shirt!!!
Have a happy weekend, love!!!
ohh this is so elegant! charmingly!
love how you paired the dotted blouse with those pants, this is adorable!!
I love the vintage vibe of these photos! Your blouse is so cute!
I love how your collar matches your pants!
XO, Imke
Really, really, love it
Hi dear, thanks for visiting, you have the loveliest style. Following you too 🙂
Thank you sweetie! Gladly follow you back!!!
Pretty photos and such a lovely blouse! (:
incredible look!
Prvi put sam na tvom blogu i predobar je! I vidim da piše da si iz Austrije a pričaš hrvatski? 🙂 I baš sam si mislila naručit torbu ovakvu, vidim da je na linku oko $41 a na ebayu je $18 😀 Pratim te!
New post on SEARCH IN FASHION – DIY: Studded denim vest
This is such a cute outfit! I really love the top! :D:D
You look amazing!
Please check out! You can also follow me at backtofive's twitter too!
You have to visit Bloggers Against Social Injustice too!
See you there! 😀
backtofive's twitter
xoxo backtofive
oh wow, this is amazing! these pictures look like it was an advert, i don't know, but i love your top. would you like to follow each other?
Hej ho 🙂 dobro nam dosla natrag 🙂 predivan outfit ti je ovo. Takve najvise volim. Jesi zadovoljna sa kvalitetom sheinside proizvoda.
hej, hvala za komlimente. ja sam iz hrvatske ali zivim u austriji :). a sta se tice torbe na ebayu sam gledala i nije bas ista torba. a i za ovu mogu reci da stvarno je kvalitetno i dobro napravljena.
tnx 🙂 pa sta se sheinside tice , neznam ovo je prvi put da sam nesto narucila . ali svida mi se materijal jer je viskoza. pozz
I will follow you I really like your blog! Would you follow me on GFC and Bloglovin? thanks
Presladak post!
great 60s look! <3
Greetings from Berlin