Black skirt

Skirt: Only ( posted also here )
Blouse: Vj-style
Sandals: Asos
The best thing that you can buy is a black long skirt. It is always IN and it is easy to combine and comfy as well. And yes, it look really better with belt, but I couldn´t find the right one .

Have great and sunny weekend! Till next time!


  1. Wonderful look Matea, you combined it really well 🙂

  2. Bluza i suknja su ti super! Sieht echt tollaus. (bei der Kommentar-hinterlass-Box sieht man einen Bruchteil des Kommentars nicht, evt. solltest du die Breite deines Blogs etwas vergrössern) 🙂

  3. naajs 😀
    Iako su mi jako ružne te sandale i ne znam kako bih ih ja iskombinirala, ti si to super napravila!

  4. Divna je suknja, a i svidja mi se kako izgleda sa kosuljicom na tufne 🙂

  5. There are dots in black and white in my newest psot too 🙂
    Beautiful outfit!

    Happy weekend!


  6. točkice baš volim, ima skoro istu bluzu kao ova tvoja košuljica. Meni se kombinacija jako sviđa, super ti stoji duga suknja. pozdrav

  7. oh love it! ogrlica je predobra!

  8. oh my deer, you look so stunning! i love everything about this and i guess it's my favourite look i've seen today <3

  9. Odmah sam prepoznala bluzu sa VJ-Style sajta. Divno ti stoji cela kombinacija. Obožavam tvoju kosu. *.*

  10. Super ti stoji ova kombinacija!
    Baš mi se dopada košuljica 😉

  11. sooo great look ! I love it 😉

    wanna follow each other?

  12. Love this look on you. Those mega-polka dots are great!

  13. Cool outfit! Love your sandals 😉

  14. You have a great blog, maybe we could follow each other on gfc ?
    <33 kiss from france lovely.

  15. Divno izgledas draga moja! Ovaj outfit je SAVRSEN! <3 <3 <3

  16. kako ti je dobra ova kosuljaaaa!!! divna :*

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