
Just click on read more  and see more 😀

My two favorite drinks
Okayu (Japanese food ) / Muesli
Spring and so much flowers
My cupcake and friends dessert
Outfit of the day

I love vintage Vienna buildings
We love converse!
Nick Cave-new album and my outfit
If you like it fallow me on INSTAGRAM
Have great Sunday! Till next time!


  1. amazing pictures!! spring is such a beautiful season 🙂

  2. nice outfits ! 🙂

    – A.

  3. Vienna is such amazing place <3 I'm glad you had lots fun there!

  4. I don´t know what to say… you look amazing and so incredble! Love your style! Everytime 🙂

  5. Thank you very much!

  6. Lovely pictures 🙂

  7. Zanemari prethodni komentar (IKS u potpisu) ostalo mi krivo ime ulogirano. Enihuz, divne slicice. Instagram rulz! Doduse, ja se uvijek kasno sjetim fotkati divote oko sebe… <3

  8. Predivne fotografije! Obozavam ove zivotne trenutke! 🙂 <3

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