Dress: Asos ( link )
Bag: Aldo
Shoes: Andre
I love mid dresses and Asos has a perfect one. At
first I thought that I’ve paid too much for this dress. But it was worth
it because when I am out of ideas what to wear, I just use this dress. And its already became my favorite piece in my closet.
first I thought that I’ve paid too much for this dress. But it was worth
it because when I am out of ideas what to wear, I just use this dress. And its already became my favorite piece in my closet.
Have great week! Till next time!

Divno 🙂
Bas ti sjajno stoji ova haljinica! <3
Oh, I love your shoes!!
cipele <3 <3
Gorgeous! I love simple silhouettes. That bag is really great too!
Predivna je haljina. Ja imam verziju s dugim rukavima i super sam zadovoljna s njom.
jednostavno, savrseno, bez preterivanja. torba <3
Super fotke! 🙂
Haljinica je tako divna, duzia bas kako ja volim, a danas je takve bas tesko naci :(.
Oh my wow, I am speechless, such a gorgeous look, effortlessly chic and perfectly put together! <333 That dress is a truly amazing purchase, thank you so much for sharing! ^^
Liana x
this mid dress is amazing and i can see you feel amazing wearing this! it makes you look stunning <3
cute mid dress <3
visit me
savršena haljina i meni se jako sviđa midi…odlično ide uz te cipele.
Divna haljina ali cipele su mi <3<3<3
I love that style too. It is the perfect style and length. I adore your sandals too.
ma čista 10,odlično,lijepo 😉
Tako jednostavno, a tako profinjeno. I'm in <3 with these shoes!:)
odlična je! Ja obožavam tu duljinu suknji i haljina, vrlo ženstveno stoje!
adore you're chic touch!
i have a new outfit!!
predivnnaaa, sandale su savršene :*
love your dress!
xx, Sabinna and David
Broken Cookies
Divno,divno! 🙂
WOOW! Your shoes are so dope!
Personal Style Blog http://www.redreidinghood.com
Hardloop Blog: http://www.chicksrunningonkicks.com
Great look!
nice outfit, love the bag! xx
lovely dress and heels! great looK!
Love&Studs on FACEBOOK
Wow! You look stunning dear! I really like all your outfit!
Haljina ti savršeno stoji 😉
Obozavam haljine/suknje ove duzine! A tebi ova odlicno stoji, i verujem da je uvek dobitna kombinacija kad ne znas koji komad da odaberes 🙂
Oh my! That dress is perfect! I love the pleated skirt and you always have the best shoes! Those wedges are beautiful! <3
– Anna
i love this dress, it's the perfect length! i've actually already got it in my ASOS wishlist and these photos might just make me buy it for myself!
little henry lee
Love this simple yet wonderful outfit! I love the black- brown combination!
you look beautiful *.*
Nice 😀
Sandale <3
Love the shoes! I've been thinking about midi dresses, but not sure about it yet…I think you need to be tall enough to wear them so it doesn't look weird.
lajkam sve od-do, ko bombonček! te midi suknjo/haljine su mi jako privlačne i super je što ih zaista ima dosta u ponudi, samo nekako se jos uvijek neckam, nekako si imam cudne noge u njima s obzirom da sam sitna. ali na tebi izgleda vrhunski 🙂
You looks great. Nice outfit i loved your midi dress. That looks awesome dear.