Rainy days

Trench coat: Made by my granny
Pinafore dress: Primark
Boots: Zalando
Blouse: Vintage


I bought those lovely boots last year and I did not thought that I will need it in Juni. All my beautiful sandals are just waiting for the sun.These boots really make my day when it is raining outside and i have to go somewhere. Do you have your rainy boots?


  1. Odlično ti ovako stoji kosa 🙂 i moje kišne čizmice su još vani i spremne za akciju, s ovim ludim vremenom se nikad ne zna 🙂

  2. Oh wow, what a wonderful outfit dear, LOVE your pinafore dress and those gorgeous boots! <33 Can't believe the trench coat is made by your granny, one talented lady!! ^^ Bravo!

    Liana x
    Dress Code Chic

  3. Preslatka! Sve mi je divno i super su se uklopile cizme! love it! <3 <3 <3

  4. predivna haljinica a i čizme su baš lijepe…ne znam da sam ikad vidjela ljepše čizme za kišu, baš su nekako romantične sa tim cvjetičima…tko bi rekao da će biti ovakvo vrijeme, a ljeto na pragu?

    ja još nisam nabavila te gumene, još se pouzdam u Marte i jedne neosens cipele, ali kad počnu opet Mostarske kiše…moram i ja nabaviti jedne.

  5. Kako su slatke čizmice 😉
    Predivan look!

  6. What a lovely dress!!

  7. OH WOW! Your rain boots are just awesome!



    Personal Style Blog http://www.redreidinghood.com
    Hardloop Blog: http://www.chicksrunningonkicks.com

  8. I love your outfit, you look great. Especially the rain boot, I want the same.
    Please go visit my blog and follow me on blogloving if you like it.

  9. you look so lovely in that boots! gotta hunt one <3


  10. Najslađe humene čizmice na svijetu, čak su mi ljepše i od obožavanih crvenih Huntersica. Kosa je predivna, čitav outfit je nježan i ženstven.:)

  11. Predivna si! A cizme su mi posebno kul ♡

  12. Love ur boots and this pinafore dress is so cute!! Thanks for visiting my blog – see you soon! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog

  13. Aaaaj preslatke cizme!

  14. Čizmice su ti preprepredobre, obožavam ih i divno si ih iskombinirala na ovu haljinicu 🙂 Ipak, nadam se da ćemo više spakirati sve čizme i obuti sandale 😉

  15. Hey, awesome post…love it!
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  16. izgledas predobro! Moram sebi kupiti ovakvu haljinu, predobra je! 🙂

  17. presladak outfit 🙂 cizme su super!

  18. Amazing post dear, I totally love your blog!
    X Anna


  19. I know I've probably said this like a million times already, but you have the coolest Grandma ever! 😀 That coat is amazing! Love the rain boots! They're so bright and cheery (the two qualities that you need in rain boots!) Your pinafore is darling as well! <3

    – Anna


  20. your blouse is so pretty, i love the embroidered detail at the neckline. and of course the pinafore – the most versatile piece of clothing there is!

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  21. Such lovely outfit girlie!!!You look Wonderful at this post!!Simply G.E.O.R.G.E.O.U.S =D

    A huge Kiss!xx

    Mariola from http://www.crazyclosetblog.blogspot.com.es

  22. čizmice su pun pogodak 🙂 prave divne proljetne.

  23. Kako zgodno,sve zajedno,jako slatko:)

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