Plaid skirt





Jacket: Zara
Pulli: Orsay
Skirt: Made by me
This electric blue is my new favorite color. As you may have already noticed I have a few things with that color. Do you like that color?
I wanted to make a dress from this plaid material but at the end i made a rock. That whole plaid trend forced me to search for my old plaid, tartan pieces. And I’ve found my lovely tartan dress and another pencil skirt. That stuff is made by my granny. I hope I will have more time to make some outfits with that. This month I’m working a little more so I hope that you will understand why I’m not replaying on your blogs.
Have a great week! Till next time!


  1. Bas sam prije neki dan nasla moju staru kariranu haljinu i mislim da je upotrijebim kao suknju u nekom novom postu. Super ti stoji ovo!

  2. Nice : )

  3. Preslatko 🙂 svidja mi se.


  4. Super je suknja i bas je dobro uklopljena sa tom plavom bojom.. 🙂

  5. Suknja je predivna! 😉

  6. i like the skirt 🙂

  7. Slike odlicne kao i uvjek! A i ti divna!

  8. I always love plaid for the Fall season! You look fabulous, girl!
    xo TJ

  9. Love that bright blue color – it's almost a neutral, don't you think? It goes with everything – including your gorgeous skirt! :]

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  10. Predobro. Boje mi se dopadaju!

  11. I'm obsessed with that skirt! Love it! Rad heels, also! <3

    – Anna

  12. divna suknja i super ide uz tu sočnu plavu vesticu… veselim se tim novo otkirvenim kariranim komadima i da nam ih sto prije pokazes 🙂 pusa za snagu na poslu :*

  13. You look stunning! Fabulous bag and skirt!

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