T-shirts with text

( zara shirts )
T-shirts with text are really popular lately. I like them too because you can say something without actually saying it. They can be funny but serious as well. You can put your own life motto on it.And if you are not a DIY kind of person but you want your personalized T-shirt, you can visit this site and make your own.
I like that idea and I think I will try to do something like that. I think I will make a shirt with the text “Never give up, never surrender!“. It’s a quote from a movie but I think it’s a great motivation in every aspect.
Which text would you put on you shirt?
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     Have a great week! Till next time!


  1. Ova desna kombinacija mi je baš savršena!

  2. ja sam definitivno uradi sam osoba i često bojam odjeću, slikam na njoj, a nađe se tu i natpisa. Na promociji svoje BA diplome napisala sam natpis u protest znog toga što je jedna mlada profesorica doktorica znanosti dobila otkaz…i vratili su je na posao. Ne kažem da je to bilo samo zbog mene, sigurno nije…ali je potaklo druge studente da se pobune i kad se skupilo nekoliko faktora…pa eto tako da ti natpisi nekad mogu stvarno nešto promijeniti. Na MA promociji nisam ništa protestirala jer smo imali odore, a mislim da su svi i odahnuli:)


  3. are those weirdo tshirts avaiable in zara yet? 🙂 those are awesome!!


  4. This ´´wirdo´´ shirt is from pull and bear but from last year!

  5. oh no 🙁 doesn't want to sell it XD

  6. Weirdo 😀 super mi je majica. Zarine te natpisnjakuse ne volim pretjerano jer su onak.. uglavnom kompije i pokradeni tako da… ono nisu mi ni nesto pretjerano wow. al od LOLA su mi super majice 🙂

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