I admit that I’m not a big fan of stripes but this dress has something. You can look like a chick and you can wear it on a daily basis. As you see I’ve changed the color of my hair. I’m not really for blond. And I’m also thinking to cut my hair in bob style but I’m not sure yet because it’s too popular right now. But we will see…..
Have a great week! Till next time!

Sehr tolles Kleid. Und diese Schuhe!!!
Du siehst aus wie aus der Front-Row 😉
PS: Werde Teil der neuen "what the fuck?"-Kollektion. Wie? Das erfährst du hier: be a part
super mi je kako si iskombinirala tu haljinu sa šarenim cipelama. pun pogodak!
Sandale se savrseno slazu uz te pruge. 🙂
Predivno 🙂
Haljina je jako lijepa i super ti stoji ::)
You look perfect dear! 🙂
Isa M., Tic Tac Living
Ja sam totalni sucker za prugice tako da sam odmah pala na tvoj outfit :)) A ove cipele oboooožavam!
you look amazing wearing stripes <3
it's funny that you're not much of a fan of stripes, but i always feel like they're such a classic, easy to wear style, especially with red lipstick.
little henry lee
love stripes -leather jacket combo!
Hehehhe vidis dok si ti flower girl ja sam vise prugica 😀 a meni je haljina bas pre predobra i odmah bih je kupila. doduse ja bi sva bila uvijek u prugicama… prugice prugice. Outfit 5+