Something different

Pants and blouse: Mango / sale
Bag: ebay
Heels: Max shoes
 Sunnies: H&M

Probably all you know for the great online shop Oasap. From that store I wanted to order summer dress but then I found  this amazing cardigan. it’s really light and in summer I can wear them in the morning or on
a rainy day. And I decided for a white color because it suites with
everything. What do you think?
Like you know from last post I went Friday shooping. I found some great
things like this pants and blouse under this cardigan.This pants I found in Mango on sale,t I love the asymmetry of it. I wanted to buy
some heels too, but they don’t fit to my foot, and I dont like buy
things just becuse they are pretty . Im waiting for 70, 80 % sale, maybe
then I will find more things!

As you
see I love mixed styles so today im not the usual retro girl 🙂

 P.S. don´t forget Oasap giveaway

Till next time!! xx



  1. the outift is great 🙂 I love oversized clothing 🙂

  2. Beautiful style ! 🙂

  3. oh, this is so nice… i love this outfit…

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  4. Gorgeous outfit, I really like it 🙂

  5. love your outfit! <3

    sweet and sugars,

  6. Prelepo! Sovica je divna, bas je dala dobar shmek ovoj kombinaciji:)

  7. Something good.
    Hlače su mi super zanimljive, i kad god vidim nešto tako drukčije zapitam se jesi li ih sama sašila.

  8. great post!


  9. Amazing mix 😀

    With love,Mia

  10. I always love your looks, you're one of the most stylish women I have seen lately!

  11. I really like your blog! your style is beautiful! thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I follow you right now. I hope you do too) xx

  12. amazing blog!!! u have a great style ! i love it and i will visit u more often for sure <3

  13. lepo je videti te i u ovakvim izdanjima jer ti odlično stoje 🙂

  14. Pretty style!!!^^


  15. haha LOVED the mixup here, its really refreshing to see something a bit more different from you hun. Absolutely adore the wee peep of all those spots. Great stylistic touch ^_^

    Eeli xx

  16. aww love this! great pants)

  17. great look:) love your heels! would you like to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin?? have a great week!


  18. I did take the pictures, except the 4th one! I love this outfit. You look so cute 🙂

  19. Kad si ti bila ovako slojevito obucena?:) Obozavam slojeve,jedva cekam da zahladni barem mrvicu;)

  20. ne znam što mi je divnije, kardigan hlače torba ili ova kjut majicica plava sto proviruje 🙂 sve zajedno je predivno 🙂

  21. Great look. Love the cardigan, it looks so comfy but super stylish at the same time. Cute pants too 🙂

  22. i really like your layering here- and the print of that navy shirt. you look so casual but chic here! i think those pretty shoes make it

  23. I love how comfy and relaxed this looks! The pants and your overall outfit are so refreshing too!

  24. Ooooh yes- I am waiting for that too! 😉


    geewrite! | Follow me | Twitter

  25. i love your outfit especially the bag ! i follow you on bloglovin now ♥

  26. Hi, I follow you back on GFC, would you follow me on Bloglovin too? I will follow you back as well please let me know. Thank you! xx

  27. Oh so sorry I didn't pay attentian, anyhow I just follow you too on Bloglovin, thank you! xx

  28. Ein sehr schönes outfit, gefällt mir richtig gut!

  29. Great outfit, love the layering. Thank you for the comment on my blog. I'd absolutely love to follow one another. I'm now following with bloglovin. Please do the same for me!

    $100 Shopbop GIVEAWAY

  30. OMG ! Your look it's just beautiful ! I love it (:

  31. Love this look! Very boyfriend trendy!

  32. Very interesting details you have remarked, regards for putting up.Money from blog

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