Pulli: S.Oliver; Jeans: Zara; Sandals: Deichmann
Where is the Summer?
Maybe it’s in Greece or somewhere on the sea but not here in Vienna. But because of that I got the oportunity to wear my brand new rosa pulli. The color is just beautiful and it goes well with other colors.
I worn this outfit with my ballerinas but they were so uncomfortable and because of that I wanted to exchange them for something else.I went to Deichmann and found these beauties for just 9€! They are really cool. What do you think?
Have a great week! Till next time!
Divan pulover. Jako mi se svidja kako ti stoji ta nijansa roze.
Nema ljeta 🙂 Nije ga ni bilo… barem ne u Hr 🙂 Dobro, u Dalmaciji jos nekako ali na kontinentu nikako 🙂
Odlicna komba a sandalice su super 🙂
I really like the color of the sweater and the neckless.
Love this look 🙂
I meni se svidja kako ti stoja ova pink nijansa, pogotovo uz novu boju kose 🙂
Is it alright for me to share your creations on SSB linking and letting you know when? Seen one on Burda I would like to share.
Yes it is not problem, just put also link of my blog! 😉 Thank you
preslatka kombinacija!
Sieht super aus!
Liebe Grüße,
Verena von whoismocca.com
Sehr schöner Look, besonders die Sandalen sind cool! 🙂
Liebe Grüße Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
Richtig tolle Kombi. Simple aber sehr stylish
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joj, ne spominji mi ljeto. zagreb ga nije vidio ove godine, ma ni LJ od istog. depresivno. osjecam se kao da sam u mordoru. svejedno, unatoc ranoj jeseni u Becu outfit ti je za 5 🙂 nadam se da ce se do kraja mjeseca kad dodlazim u posjet metropoli vijeme popraviti 🙂