Casual day



Pants: C&A; Shoes and shirt; Zara; Cardigan: S.Oliver; Jacket: Zara
This may be the first time that you see me in this kind of pants. Normally I don’t wear this but I got them from my mom and when I tried it I was surprised how stylish and comfy they are. But I leave them for days where I don’t want to be dressed up cute or famine.
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      Have a great week! Till next time!



  1. Meni su ovakve hlace odlicne! HM je prosle sezone imao slicne i ne mogu prezaliti sto ih nisam kupila :/ Odlicna casual kombinacija! I da, kosa ti je carobna u ovome postu!

  2. Like!!!

  3. ne bi ni ja na prvi pogled rekla da mogu tako dobro izgledati, ali stvarno sjajna kombinacija pogotovo sa izmicama!

  4. Bas mi se svidja spoj sive i roze i super su mi te pantole 😉

  5. That jacket is so perfect <3 You look fantastic!

    – Anna

  6. How gorgeous is that pink jacket?? Absolutely beautiful look!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  7. Hmmmm… da, te hlace i ja uvijek gledam ali ih nikako ne kupim jer ih nemam bas gdje nositi. Sve si razmisljam jel bi to proslo na poslu :d hahahhaha not! 😀 bez obzira sto nije tvoj feminine izricaj jako lijepo izgledas u ovom outfitu 🙂

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