Blouse: Lookbook Store; Pants: Forever 21; Sandals: Mango
You may have noticed that I do not write posts as often as before. I had to rethink about about the whole fashion blogging. And I’ve come to the conclusion that everything gravitates to some sort of competition. A competition about who has has more, who follows the latest trend, who has more designer bags, who will post more and so on.
Everyone is a unique person and therfore no one is better than the other because he/she has more fans/likes. But somehow that has become the hidden message of social media. Yes, I like lovely outfits, fashion, beautiful things and pictures, but when all this becomes some sort of competition, I quit. Because of the reasons mentioned above, I do not want to feel any pressure when making a post. My first post was started with the intention to share beautiful things with you. And I will continue this path for the future.
Thank you for reading my blog for these years and shearing your thoughts with me!
You can always fallow me on instagram, im there always active!
Very pretty pictures!
Don't buy into it. I know it's hard not to, but you can do your thing no matter what everyone else is doing.
Social media cleanse helps a whole freaking lot with this as well. Try to detox your head with staying away from social media for a while (:
And yes, continue sharing beautiful things, but no need for pressure!
Such a lovely outfit!
xoxo Lynda
Meni je iskreno zao jer bas volim tvoj blog. Mene takve stvari ne doticu jer mi je blog drugaciji, nemam pojma o trendovima niti me zanima.
Dosta toga se promenilo i sama sam pisala na tu temu, ali ako voliš da bloguješ ne odustaj! Već bloguj onako kako tebi prija. 🙂 P.S. Super outfit.
I agree with you, but I hope to see you sometimes, even if it is less often. Thank you for your ideas.
Meni je zanimljiv moj vlastiti fenomen da od jako puno blogova koje sam pratila davno (kada još npr, sama nisam imala blog), rijetko koji pratim danas! Zašto? Jer su se pretvorile u industriju i sve je ili sponzorirano ili pak nose odjeću koju si ja, a mislim ni ipak većina, ne može priuštiti a kreću i priče kako treba ulagati u robu jer potkošulja od Chanela ili Wanga je bolja od one iz H&M-a! Naglasak je na riječi-potkošulja! 🙂 Od takvih gluparija mi bude zlo i odem i ne vratim se više.
Znam da je mnogo toga demoralizirajuće u ovome svijetu ali nemoj se dati… razmisli, uzmi predah… vrati se! 🙂 Pusa
I will try it, Thank you for comment!
Hvala ti puno, od bloganja se tesko odustaje kad se jednom počne, ali vjerojatno cu imat manje postova! 🙂
Da pa tako ce i biti 🙂 Hvala
I hear you! This "blog as business" has ruined the party. And everything is screaming "more, more, more"! I love your style and you inspire me 🙂
Nee, meni je tvoj blog jedan od drazih, upravo jer se razlikujes od vecine. Vjerujem da dodje do zasicenja u nekom momentu, jer se sve ovo bukvalno pretvorilo u industriju, ali ne odustaj, zbog nas koji pratimo i volimo tvoj blog <3
You look amazing, I really like your shoes <3
Molim te ostani 🙁 Ne komentiram
inace ali. (Razumijem
da ti se sve skupilo, i meni dodje cesto. Odgurni sve to sastrane i radi onako kako samo ti znas i uveseljavas sebe ali i sve nas! :*)